Athletic Training Room

To see our athletic trainer, Kerrie Robinson, you must text her by 7:00 PM on Monday evenings to be seen on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 AM. If she does not hear from you by Monday evening, she will not be there on Tuesday.


2024 - 25 Stratton Athletic Forms & Information

Parents, please login to PowerSchool to complete your child's athletic forms under Stratton Athletic Forms. Your child will also have to login to their own PowerSchool and sign the forms in two places, as well, for the forms to be complete. This is our first year with all forms online, so please have some patience as we navigate what hopefully will be an easier process for all, going forward.

Physicals and Sway Baseline Concussion tests were offered in May at the school. If your child participated in this we have your forms and your child is good to go, as long as you completed your additional forms on PowerSchool. If your child did not get either of these things done at that time they must get those completed on their own. To schedule a physical please call the local clinic and pick up a CHSAA Physical Form from the HS office. For a SWAY Concussion test please call Schaal Physical Therapy to make an appointment.

Middle Schoolers - If you would like to be a manager you must first okay it with the head coach of that sport. After that you must sign a manager contract and turn it into the HS office prior to that sports first competition or you cannot manage until it is turned in. These forms can be found at the HS office.

High Schoolers - If you choose to play multiple sports in the same season you must fill out a Multi Sport Athlete Contract. This form must be filled out by you, your parents and both coaches prior to your first competition in either sport, or you cannot practice or compete until it's turned in to the HS office. These forms can also be found at the HS office.

If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Thompson at or 970-554-0778.

We look forward to kicking off a great fall sports season soon!

2024-25 SWAY Concussion Test

If you did not complete a SWAY concussion test at the end of the 2023-24 school year, then you will need to make an appointment at SCHAAL's Physical Therapy Center in Burlington to get this completed. This is mandatory for all athletes MS & HS.

2024-25 Manager Contract

If you are a middle school student interested in managing a high school sport you MUST fill out this form. Prior to doing so, please make sure you've talked to the head coach of that sport and they've okay'd you to manage. This form must be filled out and returned to your AD prior to that sports first competition, or you will be unable to manage until it is turned in.

Click here to access the Manager Contract